Friday, 1 March 2013


Programming Languages are classified into the following categories
a)      Monolytic Programming Languages
b)      Procedural Programming Languages
c)      Structured Programming Languages
d)     Object Oriented Programming Languages

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a) Monolytic Programming Languages: Monolytic Programming Languages contain number of lines of data.

Drawback:       1. It is not subroutine concept.
                        2. The program code is duplicated each time it is to be used.

Examples:        Assembly Language, Basic

b) Procedural Programming Languages: The important features of Procedural Programming Languages are
i)                    Emphasis on algorithm rather than data
ii)                  Programs are organized in form of subroutine
iii)                Program controls are through jumps (goto) and calls to subroutine
iv)                Data move overly around the system from function to function
v)                  It follows top down approach in program design
vi)                It is suitable for medium size software applications


Drawback:       1. Data Security problem
                        2. Difficult to maintain program code
                        3. It doesn’t model to real world problem very well

Examples:        Fortran, Cobol

c) Structured Programming Languages: In Structured Programming Languages programs consist of multiple modules and each module has a set of functions of related types.  The important features of Structured Programming Languages are
i)                    Programs are divided into individual procedures that performs discrete tasks
ii)                  Procedures are independent of each other
iii)                Procedures have their own local data and processing logic
iv)                Introduction of the concepts of user defined datatypes
v)                  Maintenance of a large software system costly

Sub programming

                                    Module 1                     Module 2

Drawback:       1. Data Security problem
                        2. It doesn’t model real world problem very well

Examples:        Pascal, C

d) Object Oriented Programming Languages: The important features of Object Oriented Programming Languages are
i)                    Emphasis on data rather than functions
ii)                  Programs are divided into objects
iii)                Functions that operate on the data of an object are together in the data structure
iv)                Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions (Data security)
v)                  Objects may communicate with each other through functions
vi)                New data can be easily added to the functions whenever necessary
vii)              It follows bottom-up approach in program designing

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